Monday, 22 August 2011

Somehow it got around to shoes again

Well there I was, searching for images to illustrate the visions I had for a blogpost on Librarian Chic, and three Duke Ellingtons and a cheeky scotch later, I stumbled upon this lovely blog!  The woman (sexist!) behind it remains rather elusive, but I imagine her to possess infinite style and not a mere modicum of taste. Mostly because I love and agree with her shorthand assessment of what constitutes Librarian Chic...

Firstly, cat eye glasses.  Now I prefer the rounded 80s-meets-40s look:

But I've been known to succumb to a sharper 50s look if the situation demands it:

...and I couldn't possibly quarrel with her next selection of brogue heels, seeing as how they constitute a near exclusive hold over my shoe collection:

Duffle coat, cooured ribbed tights, pincurls... do you ever get the feeling you are really predictable?  Oh, just me then?  Tee hee, fine.  At least I have these shoes!

But upon reflection, do you know what I secretly wish for?  THESE:

I do try to at least cultivate virtuous thoughts about worthy shoes.  I'm not immune to the charms of the SATC-set, and comprehend the elegance and glamour of a trophy stilleto...

...but what I really want is (looking at the shoes!  looking at the shoes!) this:

Homy ped is HAWT!!  I can't wait 'til nana-status so I can stomp around in thick-soled, comfort-built, made-to-last, shit-starters like all the cool grans on my block.  Spark up the lamingtons and hide your meds... the nana's are coming to town!!

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