Sunday, 3 July 2011

Pink Bits

I'm so excited about my new blog that I can't sleep.  My head is teeming with so many possibilities that I can't shut my brain off.  But while making a list of much worthier areas of research, my thoughts keep returning to sex.  No, it's not going to be *that* kind of blog.  Mostly.  I'm just thinking more along the lines of when fashion and sex combine... to go horribly wrong.

I remembered seeing this lovely number on regretsy (sorry I've lost the link, still learning the blogging ropes):

...because who doesn't imagine what the toilet roll doily doll was wearing underneath, and want to knit it for their loved ones?  Which made me fondly recal the couture merkins of Alexandre Herchcovitch's 2009 Spring collection:

...which in turn called to mind the manties I saw on the inimitable Bloggess's site a few years ago:

But lo!  Questionable fashion had become even more baffled in the intervening years!  Because as well as the manties (in an enchanting selection of pastel shades  - bows optional), I also found that Hazel Moore had created the ultimate  - ahem - marriage between sex and clothing:

(vagina not to scale)

And the bride wore vadge.  
Exquisite detailing... there are even sequins embroidered into the clitoris.

Now I really need sleep!  What adventures my mind can take me on when augmented by a quick internet connection!  And what dreams may come...??  

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